Selling Minnetonka Area Listings - Bill Bloomberg


Local And Luxury Real Estate Specialist

When you choose Bloomberg Real Estate, you will work with Bill Bloomberg throughout the entire process. His intimate understanding of your needs and goals along with his expertise and dedication optimize decisions at every stage to maximize your proceeds. If you have a question, you can call Bill Bloomberg day or night any day of the week.

How Bill Bloomberg Will Make You More Money

Will Your Realtor Look After Your Best Interests?

Selling a house is a huge financial transaction, you need a Realtor you can trust. To determine if a Realtor will place your financial best interests above theirs ask these four questions.

1) Do They Practice Dual Agency? A dual agent represents the buyer and seller. It is like finding out that your defense attorney is also the prosecution. An honest Realtor never practices Dual Agency.

2) Do They Charge Fees On Money You Don't Receive? Most agents' fees are based on the Purchase Price with often includes extra money buyers borrow to cover closing costs. Bloomberg Real Estate bases its fees on the Purchase Price minus any buyer closing costs.

3) Do They Charge Admin Fees? There is no justifiable reason why a Realtor or their broker needs to charge more than their standard commission.

4) Do Some Listings Receive Better Service Than Others? Many brokerages have a division that provides a higher level of service for more expensive homes. Essentially, the quality of their service depends on their commission. At Bloomberg Real Estate we go all out for you regardless of your home's value.

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